The Massachusetts Water Works Association (MWWA) March meeting held on March 21, 2019 included a presentation on the hearing protection portion of new public sector safety requirements in Massachusetts. Massachusetts General Law (MGL) c. 149 s. 6-1/2 requires public sector employers to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and will be enforced by the Department of Labor Standards (DLS). This regulation includes Hearing Conservation Compliance and development of a Hearing Conservation Program since workplace noise level can cause injury to the ears/hearing of employees, which was the focus of the presentation.
A Hearing Conservation Program includes:
1. Monitoring of work place noise levels
2. Providing audiometric testing of employee’s hearing over time (annual testing)
3. Conducting annual training of employees
4. Providing hearing protection appropriate to the noise level and duration of exposure
To learn more about MGL c. 149 s. 6-1/2 visit
More information about the OSHA Hearing Conservation Program requirements can be found at
Massachusetts has a variety of sample safety and health programs, including a sample hearing conservation program, available at